Star Ridsdale, CWK
Certified Kinesiologist
1005 21st ST. S.E. Suite 9
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
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Kinesiology uses muscle testing to retrieve information from the body.Depending on a strong or weak muscle test, determines if there is a health issue to address.
Kinesiology has a wide range of healing modalities to address different health issues. Some of these include health priorities, allergies, emotional work, diet and exercise, meridian and chakra balancing,muscle optimization, and injury recall. Kinesiology is for everyone, children, adults, athletes, etc.
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Services are by email, phone or one on one appointments
Dr. Star Amber Nelson-Ridsdale ND MH BIT CWK LMT
Office Visit $60 per hour Call Dr Star Ridsdale 505 239 9644 for an appointment